Slow This Bird Down

A repository of ideas, art, and rambling thoughts

Welcome Traveler! I'm Ari and this is my website full of whatever wierd junk I think of and/or make. I try to be as creative as possible whenever I can, if only for the sake of making beautiful things. I'll do my best to update this site as often as I can, but life happens. I doubt much will even come of this place, but oh well. You have to enjoy the creative process for what it is, not for what you want it to be.

All that being said, have a look around if you'd like. This site is host to various personal projects of mine, ranging from blog posts and essay to music selections and art. This site itself is a pet project because I had the terrible idea that learning html would be fun (just kidding, it actually is a lot more than you'd think.)

My inspiration for this site pretty much stemmed from how much I dislike social media (original opinion, I know.) I hate the corporate soulessness, the strict formats, and the constant focus on followers, likes, and views. As if simply talking to the world and engaging in meaningful conversation was taboo. It's a big deal to share a moment in life with say, two dozen people, but thats nothing if you want to be succesful on twitch. It's selling your soul to make a quick buck, and every day I'm impressed with how low some people will stoop to do so.

So in order to create something that felt more personal I just decided to make a website of my own. The less restrictive format is a godsend for actually arranging thoughts and ideas in a meaningful way. I've always seen personal websites like some wierd mix of an art museum, a coffee house, or maybe a high-school bake sale. A meandering pace where you're free to admire the scenery and exchange ideas. Everybody puts their own spin on it and it becomes something new. In today's day and age where the "dead internet theory" is slowy becoming a reality, partaking in the slower-paced, backwater routes of the internet comes with many small pleasures and gratifications. It's refreshing to see things made from genuine passion and interest rather than algorithmic engagement.

Aw crap, I went and got all philosophical again. Rambling on in circles. Well if you don't mind listening to rambles or doing some rambling of your own, stick around and feel free to stroll through my webpages. Take in the view. Stop and smell the pine trees. Or the roses, I don't judge.

              Website tested with Chrome on desktop, may work on other devices. 2024 Fish Eye (Ari)