Music Recomendations

In a musical rut? Wish to broaden your horizons? Care to listen to something off the beaten path? Well, you've come to the right place.

On this page I (will) have collected a wide variety of albums that I've liked in some way or another. In order to keep this interesting, I'll try to keep these choices obscure. Yes, The Dark Side Of The Moon is a masterpiece. So is Abbey Road. Did you need to know that? Probably not.

Also bear in mind that these are just recomendations, and not all of these albums are going to get across to everybody. That's fine, theres plenty of musical genres that I've given up on long ago (modern country music anyone?)

Anyways, click on an album to be taken to spotify to give it a listen, or hover over an image for name and genre of the album. Enjoy!

Thanks For Stopping By!